
Get your Grizzly Pass!

Planning to come to lots of events this year? Save some money with our Grizzly Pass! If not, you can still purchase events individually as well.


Join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship and learn how to be a better Ceremonialist, Elangomat, or Induction Master! We’ll have workshops and classes for anyone looking to help us better our lodge’s induction journey.

WICC 2025 will be held at Camp Meriwether January 24-26

ArrowCorps 2023

ArrowCorps was awesome! Interested in what we did? Check it out on the Service page!

Welcome, Arrowmen!

Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge of the Order of the Arrow is an integral part of the programs of Cascade Pacific Council. Members of Wauna La-Mon’tay provide thousands of hours of service every year to Cascade Pacific Council’s camps and members. From Community Service Projects to serving on outstanding Camp Staffs, our lodge’s Arrowmen make up the best youth our council has to offer.

The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:

  1. To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives
  2. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit
  3. To promote Scout camping
  4. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others

Annual Unit OA Elections

It is that time of year again to for your annual Order of the Arrow election. Electing a Scout or Scouter to the Order of the Arrow is an excellent way for Scouts to honor a peer or leader that best exemplifies Scouting’s ideals of camping, servant leadership, and teamwork. Elections are conducted by a team of OA youth members from your District, or OA Chapter.

What have we been up to?

Check out our event reports:

2023 WICC Recap

2023 WICC Recap

On the last weekend of January, Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge met at Camp Meriwether to reconnect with the spirit of the Order of the Arrow. The weekend was filled with trainings and workshops to teach our members how to be an Elangomat, ceremonialist, and much more. From...

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2022 Fall Rendezvous & Elections Recap

2022 Fall Rendezvous & Elections Recap

Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge had a great Fall Rendezvous! In addition to all the fun games and trainings we had at Meriwether, the lodge elected their new lodge leadership for 2023. Saturday morning, the lodge chief was elected, and after lunch the vice chiefs were elected....

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NOAC 2022 Recap

NOAC 2022 Recap

In late July of this year, our Lodge took 74 members to the National Order of the Arrow Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. Our trip started with a flight to Atlanta, a midnight trip to Buc-ee’s (one of the largest truck stops in the nation), and a day spent at...

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Cover for Wauna La-Mon'tay Lodge
Wauna La-Mon'tay Lodge

Wauna La-Mon'tay Lodge

Wauna La-Mon'tay Lodge of the Order of the Arrow is an integral part of Cascade Pacific Council BSA

And with that Rendezvous is complete! We had an amazing number of 35 arrowmen get their brotherhood this weekend! And we had a great show, with fun activities and workshops that kept people moving and learning! If you have any photos from this weekend of you having fun at the activities or workshop stations send them to communications@cpc-oa.org!Up next is our induction season so make sure to register for the induction weekends you wish to attend. We have Meriwether on may 16-18, Baldwin on May 30-June 1, and Pioneer June 13-15. We are always looking for some elangomats to help lead our new candidates into our brotherhood so if you are interested make sure to talk to your chapter chiefs, there is also an opportunity to help in ceremonies! Most chapters have already started ceremony practices so at your next meeting ask to come check it out and possibly start learning and memorizing the ceremonies!#OA #rendezvous #induction #meriwether #baldwin #pioneer ... See MoreSee Less
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Here is a peak into the past of some fun things that happened over the past few years at Rendezvous! Come celebrate our lodge and all we have accomplished over the years!Today is the last day so make sure you register for Rendezvous!Registration is $40 with an extra $15 for roofed housing. If you only plan on attending the banquet it will be $15 and there will be an option for only the banquet when registering.#OA #rendezvous #bsa #celebrating ... See MoreSee Less
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Rendezvous registration closes this Wednesday so make sure to sign up! We will be doing our yearly Brotherhood banquet as well as having fun activities throughout the day. Join us at Camp Meriwether March 7-9th for a weekend filled with fun activities.Registration is $40 with an extra $15 for roofed housing. If you just wish to attend the banquet there is an option for that during registration, if you are only attending the banquet it is $15. #OA #rendezvous #bsa #meriwether ... See MoreSee Less
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