Unit Visitations
The first point of the purpose of the Order of the Arrow is to “Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition.”
Why your lodge needs your help…
The Order of the Arrow is one of the only organizations in which members are elected primarily by non-members. We rely on Scouts unaffiliated with the OA to select those who will become our organization’s future. While critical to our organization’s purpose, this can cause some challenges. Some may be resistant to the OA because they don’t know the experiences that you and I have had as Arrowmen.
Election Request
Your Scoutmaster/Committee Chair should have recieved an email from the lodge requesting them to schedule an election. If you did not recieve this message you can contact your unit’s OA Rep, or your district’s OA Chapter Chief or Adviser. You can also email the Wauna La-Mon’tay Membership Vice Chief at
Membership Renewal
All Arrowmen are encouraged to register with the lodge each year. Please use the links below to renew your membership. If you would like to renew the membership for scouts in your unit, you will need your unit’s account and password used for signing up for events and summer camp. Make sure you view and update your “Roster” in the system to be able to include all your OA members in your unit.